Preclinical Case Study: St. Jude Medical & T3 Labs for CardioMEMS HF System

  “At the preclinical stage of medical device product development, there is an important opportunity to identify and implement significant improvements before first clinical use. T3 Labs provides extensive expertise and capabilities in the critical preclinical stage of medical device product development.” – Jason White, Senior Director of Product Development, St. Jude Medical The challenge:…

Case Study: Selecting a New Preclinical Trials Partner – T3 Labs & ALung’s Hemolung RAS in a Calf Model

ALung Technologies needed a CRO with great flexibility and responsiveness in order to maximize limited resources and accelerate the timeline associated with preclinical trials. “T3’s recommendation has accelerated our product refinement testing and preclinical trials saving ALung time and money at every step along the way.” – Jeremy Kimmel, PhD Director of New Technology for ALung Technologies…