The MedTech Conference, AdvaMed’s flagship event, is the leading medtech industry conference in North America. September 25 – 27 in San Jose will find thousands of medtech industry leaders gathered together in a multifaceted environment for business development, capital formation, technology showcasing, world-class educational opportunities and networking at AdvaMed 2017. Tiffany Wilson, CEO of GCMI & T3 Labs, and Andrew Stevenson – Executive Director, Business Development and Program Leadership at GCMI & T3 Labs will be in attendance.

GCMI was founded upon and still operates with, the goal of providing quality resources and market expertise for innovators, engineers, and physicians wanting to bring novel medical technologies from concept to commercialization. We help stateside and international medtech companies, large and small, leverage the resources and value present in the robust, accessible and affordable Atlanta medtech ecosystem.

We anticipate AdvaMed 2017 will be ‘business as usual’ at the conference. That’s a good thing. Here are a few things we are particularly looking forward to:

Gaining perspective on the current medtech landscape

Every year the medtech investment environment shifts due to FDA’s implementation of new policies. It is always good to hear from regulatory agencies and industry leaders about how things are changing and what results can be expected. It helps us validate assumptions and better know what startups and innovators in the early stages of medtech development need to position themselves for successful commercialization.

Patient inspired innovation

GCMI’s partnership with Piedmont Innovations is taking a patient-inspired mobility idea and helping make it available for the tens of thousands of people who find themselves, often unexpectedly, in a wheelchair every year.

Through this lens we look forward to “Patient Inspired Innovation: Perspectives from a Provider, Innovator and Advocate” on Tuesday at 2:15 p.m.

“If we are able to fund something to commercialization and bring that revenue back to the hospital system and fund other projects, that will improve not only employee engagement but also provide a source of revenue for the hospital,” says Dr. Jayne Morgan, Director of Cardiovascular Research for the Piedmont Innovation Center. “This will give the Piedmont Innovation Center a solid chance to be self sustaining: creating revenue, not just consuming it.” Read more.

Driving growth through new commercial strategies

Designing and prototyping are a lot of fun, but the end-game for new medical technologies is all about successful commercialization. The “Driving growth through new commercial strategies” session at 11:15 pm on Monday will focus on the provision of economic and clinical value: two nascent linchpins for successful regulatory approval and commercialization.

Every year there’s a panel titled “Current Investment Flow, M&A and Deal Structures.” This year it takes place at 11:45 am on Tuesday, September 26 on the CEOs Unplugged Stage. Given the importance of investment in medtech innovation and the need for greater awareness for the robust nature of the medtech ecosystem in the southeastern United States, this session is always of high interest to the GCMI team.

Let’s connect at Advamed 2017

For medtech innovators seeking to bring novel technologies and therapies to life – concept to cure to commercialization, or those interested in learning just how robust Atlanta’s medtech ecosystem is- let’s connect! Contact GCMI to set up a meeting during AdvaMed 2017! You can find the full conference program here.